Discover the Oropa Way

The itinerary

The Oropa Trail can be traveled on foot or by bicycle along routes that differ in difficulty, travel time, and points of interest. Currently active are the Cammino della Serra, from Santhià to Oropa, the Cammino Canavesano, from Valperga to Oropa, the Cammino Orientale between Vallemosso and Oropa, the Cammino Valdostano between Fontainemore and Oropa, and the CicloVia della Serra, which from Santhià reaches Oropa on a different route than the pedestrian route, mostly on paved secondary roads.

Orient yourself along the Way is super easy: all routes have signposts.

Details on signpostingPlan your trip

Discover the official App

You can download the SlowBi App for free: you will find the Oropa Way in the staged itineraries and you can orient yourself with the GPS of your smartphone. If you have a GPS you can download GPX tracks from our website.

Thanks to the collaboration with the Amici della Via Francigena and the Trail Angels, the Oropa Way is well maintained: hikers, thanks to the SlowBi App send us in real time any reports of problems with GPS coordinates and the Trail Angels intervene for maintenance.

Download the App

Discover the official App

You can download the SlowBi App for free: you will find the Oropa Way in the staged itineraries and you can orient yourself with the GPS of your smartphone. If you have a GPS you can download GPX tracks from our website.

Thanks to the collaboration with the Amici della Via Francigena and the Trail Angels, the Oropa Way is well maintained: hikers, thanks to the SlowBi App send us in real time any reports of problems with GPS coordinates and the Trail Angels intervene for maintenance.

Download the App

Getting there

A great advantage of the Oropa Way is its accessibility by public transport: you can get to the starting points by train or bus, and once in Oropa you can return to Biella by city bus and from there takes the train to Santhià in less than half an hour, or to Novara. The Oropa Way is thus a journey with a very low environmental impact.

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Walking and cycling

Cycling itineraries have been traced along the paths of the walking routes, which follow pathways other than the routes, suitable for those traveling by bike with bags. Once arrived at Oropa, hikers can return by renting an e-bike. You can then stay overnight at the Sanctuary of Oropa (and it is well worth it) and return the next day. You will spend an extra day of leisurely riding along the Cycling itinerary, an easy, mostly asphalt and fully signposted itinerary, traveling along some of the most beautiful scenic roads in Piedmont.

Bike rentalPlan your trip

The Official Guide

An official Way guide is available, published by the publisher Terre di Mezzo

Frequently Asked Questions

For more information, we recommend that you consult the Frequently Asked Questions - FAQ section.

Are you on your first walk?

Alberto Conte, designer of the Oropa Way, has created a video course with useful tips for new hikers.