Greenhouse E-Bike Rental Center

10% discount on bike rental

Discover the wonders of the Lake, the flavors of typical dishes, enjoy the views of Viverone Lake, historic vineyards and the routes of the Serra and the Via Francigena. With guided tours or free choice you will discover a beautiful area by riding effortlessly with our eBikes!

With our e-bikes, it only takes a click to push your limits: we propose a new way of experiencing the lake and the greenhouse, sportingly, outdoors and for everyone.

No matter the level, whether alone, with family or company, with our pedal-assisted eBikes you will discover a new way to experience your unforgettable day.

The wonders of the forests, the flavors of typical dishes and our wine in the most picturesque places of the Serra, enjoying the wonderful views of Viverone Lake.

Cycling in the hills, or by the lake, in close contact with nature, is good for the body and even better for the mind. Ours is an invitation to actively experience nature, surrounded by the beautiful landscapes typical of our area.

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